
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Print Block Eggs.......Gardeners Friend

Indian Print block cane toppers, its been a bit of time in the making, but I've finally finished them and got some photographs to show you how they turned out after two firings.

I thought as they were the same size as regular eggs it made sense to package them in egg boxes.

Here is how they look fitted onto the canes, they are pictured supporting three tomato plants.

Here is a close up view of the Indian print marks. I made them initially from handmoulding an egg form then printing onto the clay with the Indian print blocks.(see my original post back at Easter) I then created a plaster slip mould with these eggs and created more of them through casting them with clay slip.

This is what they looked like a little while after releasing from the slip mould.
For more information and to see these in my shop, please go to my Folksy shop


  1. Genius way of packing them and they are really lovely. xxx

  2. Brilliant ita so much nicer than the plastic ones we usually have
