
Sunday, 2 March 2014

Fired on Images. A New Project!!

I have been wanting to fire on drawings and images onto my ceramic ware for ages, but there does seem to be an awful lot of rubbish transfer sheets that just don't withstand firings and the paper is so costly that it makes it so unaffordable to experiment with this technique; then there is finding the right laser jet printer with the correct amount of oxide to print onto, it is a minefield.

There are several ways to apply decals/transfers/silk screens onto ceramic ware so I decided to do my proof sheets of images and drawings and get them sent away to a company called Foto ceramic who do all the techi stuff for you.
It has saved a shed load of hassle and I received my printed sheets a day later, so I was good to go with the first firing (all be it an experiment in itself)

Here are the sheets:
These are the original sheets with my doodles, drawings and images on them that were resized and sent to Foto Ceramic.

A day later the sheets arrived through the post printed onto the ceramic paper.

Then I had to carefully snip around each image as I was warned some of the background paper colour may show through after the firing and I didn't want that, (I am after less transfer look more fired into the piece, if that makes sense.)

After cutting each one out I placed them where I wanted them on these pre-glazed and bisque test pieces. I also used them on a few ceramic buttons I had left over from a Christmas stall. As this firing was an experiment I wasn't sure if these would look any good, so I fired the kiln half full.

These are all ready to pop into the kiln now ready to be fired.
I will post the results soon when the kiln has cooled.


  1. Wow - hope it works! Had no idea you could do this sort of thing - looking forward to seeing the results.

  2. Hi
    Nice one! I like the outfit of the characters. Wish i could do the same thing too but im not that techie.i like the outfit of “from farmer to warden”.. really interesting.

    1. Thank you for your comment, I'm not that techie either but I found it quite straight forward I think the most fiddly thing about it is cutting around the transfers, the rest seems to be down to the company I sent the images off too.
