
Monday, 13 May 2013

Kiln experiments, Melting glass, feather imprint firing results

For a while now I have wanted to try melting some glass in with my ceramic work during a firing. It is a bit hit and miss as I wasnt too clear about what temperature to fire too, I fire the kilns high so I thought that results wouldnt be too good.
But I fetched these out of the kiln today, just tester pieces for now but I think I will definitely be melting more glass into my bowls. I like the results.

These bowls have got a feather imprint and a little iron oxide over them,
they look like leaf veins but they are actual feathers

Glass beads that I have used to melt onto the ceramics


  1. These are beautiful. I have NO ceramics skills to speak of, but I would say that the experiment has been a success!

  2. To what temperature did you fire these?
    I like the feather imprints.

  3. I fired them to 1240c. Middle shelf. I fired some more in a kiln yesterday to 1000c and the bead was still pretty much as it was, so that's too low.

  4. They are lovely. I so love the feather print! I love the way the colour of the bead has spread out too. I've been dying to try out feathers with my silver for a while now but haven't found the one I want to use yet so have been doing lots of leaf work instead.

    1. I've just been over to your blog, some interesting projects going on. Metal clay looks like an interesting process, a lot more control than with kiln firing, must be nice.

  5. Awesome idea with the beads!! I must try this soon. Beautiful pieces. Thanks for sharing

    1. Definitely try it you can get some great results, I have fired glass a few times since this posting and have had some good results, although all those pretty coloured beads in the above photo all melt and fire blue
