
Sunday, 17 March 2013

Broken Week

Last week was the Mother of all weeks!

So glad its over and a new week has begun. My week began with a car accident on the way home from  picking up my boys from school run. I was hit and shaken about, glass everywhere, the boys and I walked away with not a scratch though. 

So thats all I take away from this experience, the thought of what could have happened to us and just leave it at that.

The car however is wrecked!

My second part of this rubbish week is this irritation!

  I hate this! This is greenware, at the point of
loading into the kiln, one of my textured planters just cracked straight down its joining seem.I think it was just too cold to be putting things into the kiln, everything seemed so much more fragile.After a few more chips and snaps on this particular occasion I retreated to safer pursuits and a few choice words. 

So I waited for a warmer day, got the job done, loaded up the "Big Boy" with loads of
 wall pockets and bird feeders all safe and sound away from my cursed hands!  Fired the same night and next day. Its all gone ok too, nothing broken. 

I will post some pics next timexx


  1. You and your children are fine, that's ALL that matters. Shame about the planters :( xxxx

    1. Yes that's really all that matters, it's times like this that life gets a different perspective.
      All material things can be replace, albeit with money and hard work, but we are not so easily put back together. Such a wierd wierd week.

  2. Glad you're all OK! Hope this week is better for you!! :)

  3. I know what you mean - I had a car accident myself Wednesday and it was horrible. I lost my internet on Monday and didn't get it back until Thursday but thankfully didn't have to close my shops, but I really hope this week is better for us both!

    Leanne x x

    1. They say that things always come in threes, but I think my whole year so far has been a disaster area. We are now rolling with the punches and expecting the worst just to be on the safe side, and maybe this nasty spell of bad luck will soon pass.
      Thanks for the good wishes. Same back at you all!
